How to Save Money During a Move

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How to Save Money During a Move

Moving to a new home is always an extremely exciting process, but it can also be a very stressful project for more than one reason. Whether it’s five blocks away or 5000 miles, even in the best of times, moving can be a tricky project. Although moving is one of the most thrilling adventures you embark upon, the stress it brings along, be it from a logistical standpoint or financially, should not be overseen.

Keeping aside the cost of securing your new home, moving comes with a flock of expenses. Despite all the above information, moving doesn’t have to be overly stressful and a smash to your bank account if you have everything pre-planned.

You cannot evade certain costs, but for the areas where you can save money during a move, we have got you!


If you’re in the pursuit of finding ways to save money during a move, you’ve come to the best place. We have organized 11 necessary money-saving tips for your upcoming moving process.

1. Declutter, Declutter, and Declutter

Decluttering or downsizing can help you cut down on hundreds of dollars as one of the highest costs is the hourly expense of the movers themselves. Your motto should be: ‘Don’t Move What You Don’t Use.’

Remember, the more stuff you’ve, the more you’ll pay to tote it. Get rid of everything you don’t use- donate or sell to save a fortune on moving them for nothing. Allocate the funds that you got from selling them towards your moving costs. If you’re moving long-distance, get rid of your cheap furniture because you can easily get inexpensive furniture at your new location, and it will cost less than the moving cost. You can post them on websites like eBay or Poshmark.

Decluttering helps you save time, space, and, most importantly, money!

2. Move During Off-Season

If you’re planning to get a mover on board, you can save a lot of cash by scheduling them for weekdays instead of weekends when they’re the busiest. Keep in mind movers charge more during peak times like weekends, months of May to August, or the end of the month.

Plan your move to be scheduled for weekdays, offseason, ideally between October and April or mid-month. These are the times when the movers have less business, and they charge low to drum up their business.

In simpler words, you can save up to 40% of your moving costs if you move on less prevalent days.

See also: Best time to Move

3. Arrange Your Packing Supplies


Here’s a list of places where you can buy moving supplies to save cost:

  • Amazon: Buy packing supplies like mattress bags, tape guns, packing papers, etc…
  • Home Depot or Lowe’s: Buy moving boxes here
  • Use blankets to protect your furniture.
  • Craigslist, Offerup & Letgo: Look on these sites for free moving boxes and packing supplies from people who want to get rid of them
  • Use old amazon boxes for packing.
  • Use sweaters, t-shirts, sheets & towels instead of packing paper for some items.

The cost of moving supplies add up pretty quickly, so think out of the box get creative. Ask your neighbors if anyone has moved in recently to help you with the packing supplies. You can also reach out to your nearby grocery or furniture stores to get hold of any recent delivery that has happened to get the supplies for them.

Depending on how much you’re moving, you can save up to $500 and benefit the environment!

See also: How to Move a Mattress

4. Pack an Emergency Box

We are all aware that an emergency doesn’t knock on your door before giving in a visit, so rather be prepared for it. Pack a box with emergency supplies and daily necessities so that you don’t have to buy a new Advil or Pepto Bismol because you can’t find the box.

An emergency or necessity box saves you a lot of money because you don’t have to keep buying things you already own.

5. Pack Yourself

Don’t forget to pack your valuable item yourself in the hustle-bustle of moving. There will be many people moving in and out of your house during that time; therefore, pack and move your valuables early so that everything is in place and nothing goes missing.

Also, packing yourself saves you a fortune on the moving cost because the more you’re ready to move, the less time will be taken by the movers.

Honestly, packing your stuff takes the longest time in the moving process and is, therefore, one of the most expensive aspects of relocating. If you’ve got this one right, you’ve already cut down a lot on your moving costs.

Also Read: How to Transport a Mattress in a Car


6. Don’t Jump into Buying Brand New

Relocating is already a very expensive process, and since you don’t want to break your bank, lay low and choose to purchase inexpensive products from sites like craigslist, eBay, etc…

Get great deals on furniture and crockery from places like Craigslist, Offerup, and Letgo if you don’t want it to be matching with your house interior.

You can also buy house supplies from the Dollar store at a reasonably cheap price like kitchen towels, bowls, cleaning supplies, cutlery, utensils, etc.…

Refrain from investing a hefty amount in purchasing everything new. We are focusing on cost-cutting for an efficient and budget-friendly relocation.

7. Garage Sale

A garage sale or a yard sale during relocating helps you get rid of stuff that you will no longer need and will also help you collect some extra funds that can be used towards the moving costs.

Gather all the items that you’re ready to get rid of, price everything, put up signs for your sale, look out for pleasant weather, invite family & friends, and do not forget to put it up on Craigslist as well. This is a prominent moneymaker, now you don’t have to waste any money on moving this stuff, and you also earned a profitable amount from them.

8. Research Before Hiring Your Movers

Usually, movers charge by the hour so, you can do a little research of your own before hiring anyone. You can read reviews to understand how fast or slow their services are. You should only hire movers with reviews that state that their work is efficient and quick.

9. Say ‘NO’ to Cheap Movers

There will be a lot of movers that will quote lower than the others to get your business, but ultimately you’ll end up paying the same amount depending on the time consumed for moving.

If the moving company is unprofessional, the time taken for moving will be painfully longer than expected. Also, there will be the threat of your stuff getting damaged.

Never hire a moving company that tells you the weight of your goods is a lot less than other movers; it is a RED FLAG!

10. Cancel All Unused Subscriptions

Do not forget to get rid of all unwanted subscriptions that you have. Go through all your annual and monthly subscriptions and chalk the ones that you don’t need in your new location out.

For example, if you have a Walmart membership but the new location you’re going to doesn’t have a Walmart, you need to cancel it; the same goes for gyms or other classes.

This way, you don’t keep spending money on things you don’t need.

11. Consider Moving Yourself

A lot of times, moving your stuff on your own is cheaper than hiring a moving company and vice versa. Therefore, you should always consider moving on your own and then comparing the cost with the moving companies.

Try to fathom how much stuff you have to make the best decision. If you don’t have a lot of heavy items, maybe moving on your own would be a better idea; otherwise, you can always opt for the moving company.

You can consider renting a moving vehicle and do it all yourself but do not forget to make a cost comparison and determine how much you can save by choosing either of the options.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much money should I save up to move?

Begin with $1,500 to $2,000 in your emergency fund. It would help if you aimed to save three to six months of living costs before moving out so you can deal with unanticipated expenditures like insurance deductibles, medical bills, and vacations. You should also have enough savings to cover one month of rent in your new city.

How much do movers cost?

$1500 is the national average. It will also depend on the weight, and how far the location is, the minimum price they charge is $0.80 per pound, resulting in higher prices based on distance and other factors like stairs or elevators.

Is it cheaper to move yourself?

Not necessarily. The advantage of hiring movers is that they will do all the heavy lifting for you, which might save your back if you are moving heavy furniture or big appliances. On the other hand, renting a van or truck and doing it yourself can cost hundreds less than using professional movers.

How can I save money on packing?

Packing materials are one of the most significant moving expenses besides the movers themselves. You should start with buying boxes from your local supermarket or liquor store; you can get lots of them for free if you buy a pack of water or soda.

You can also find used boxes in online classifieds; check your local places of business like dry cleaners, gas stations, or shoe stores to ask if they have any boxes you can take.

When should I start looking for moving companies?

It would help if you started looking for a mover as soon as you narrow down your moving date; some companies have availability 2-3 months before your move. Even if it’s not the exact day you want to start moving, this will keep them from being booked up and allow plenty of time to think about quotes and negotiate the best price.



The adrenaline rush that we all have while moving to a new home, along with the cold chills of stress and financial pressure, is normal and something that everyone has to go through. So, sit back and relax. Just keep in mind to pre-plan whenever you want to move so that you save a fortune on the last-minute surge costs.

Follow these simple steps, and you will be good to go for saving money during your move the next time.

See also: How Much Does it Cost to Move 500 Miles?

Written by

Alex Sherr is the founder of My Long Distance Movers, a blog that provides moving information and resources for people who are relocating. He has more than two decades of experience in the moving and relocation industry, and he is passionate about helping people relocate smoothly and efficiently. When he's not writing or blogging, Alex enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.